以下是一些热博体育官网我们大学先修课程的常见问题. Select the question you would like the answer to below.


I have been convicted of a misdemeanor (or felony). 我还能申请卡梅尔山医院吗?我还能获得注册护士执照吗?

根据轻罪或重罪指控的严重程度,学院可能会接受你作为学生,你可能会参加NCLEX-RN执照考试. 任何在申请表上表明自己被定罪的学生都有机会与学院合规官就此事进行交谈,以确定是否有可能被录取并成为一名护士.


我们将接受在申请截止日期或之前盖上邮戳的申请和材料. 如果他们在截止日期后到达,没有适当的邮戳,他们将被视为迟到.


The program starts once a year in May. 学生必须在此之前完成所有要求(没有例外)。.


是的. 您必须完成初步成绩单评估表,可从我们的网站下载.

I attended an international college/university. Can Mount Carmel evaluate that transcript for transfer credit?

不幸的是,MCCN不直接评估国际学院/大学的成绩单. 他们必须首先接受世界教育服务(WES)的评估。. You must request that the institution send WES a transcript. WES will evaluate and then send us the results. 反过来,我们将决定是否选修任何课程.

Is there any possibility I may have to take course work over?

是的,有可能. We require that science courses (e.g. 解剖学 & 生理学、有机生物化学、微生物学、营养学等.) be no more than five years old when you begin at MCCN. If they are, you have two options:

  • 在你参加之前或者在你来这里之后重新参加课程.
  • 与我们的注册员一起安排一次分班考试来测试课程之外的内容. 每次测试花费100美元. 我们的注册主任会帮你联系负责考试的老师. They can discuss what will be covered.

What is the TOEFL and why must I take it?


我上过ESL课程. 你会接受这些吗?

No. 你必须参加托福考试.

我曾在美国生活过.S. for several years now and do speak English. Do I still have to take the TOEFL?

This is at the discretion of the Director of 热博体育官网. Please contact the 热博体育官网 Office if this is the case.

我是一名在美国的非移民国际学生. 我有资格吗??

热博体育官网不是I-20授权机构. 我们可以接受国际学生,如果他们是永久居民或不需要I-20文件. Please check the status of your visa.


Essay topics vary and are listed in the application. Please select one and write a maximum of 300 words.

我的文章有300多字. I’ve tried to shorten it, but I’m still over. 这样可以吗??



另一篇文章是那些写和解释个人困难(如如何克服困难)的人的选择.g. 家庭成员死亡、重病、学习障碍等.)可能会阻碍他们表现得像在学校一样好.



  • 工作经验
  • 社区服务
  • 荣誉和奖励
  • 担任过的领导职务
  • 爱好/兴趣
  • Clubs/organizations you are a member of

When will I be notified of a decision on my application?

热博体育官网委员会从10月开始每月开会一次. Meetings are typically held at the end of the month. If your application is complete and goes to the meeting, 你会在月底收到通知,也可能是在次月初收到通知,具体时间取决于邮件.



Will I need to be CPR certified? If so what classes will you accept?

是的. We will accept the following CPR certifications:

  • American Heart Association (AHA) Health Care Professional
  • 红十字会
  • 军事训练学院

Are there any health requirements prior to enrolling in MCCN?

是的. 一旦你确认你的出席,热博体育官网办公室将邮寄给你的文件,询问病史和免疫接种.

Can I work while enrolled in the program?

Students are welcome to work should they choose. 在学院和卡梅尔山医疗系统内都有就业机会. Please understand we cannot guarantee each student employment.

在上学的同时在Mount Carmel医疗系统工作有什么好处吗?

是的, there are several benefits which include:

  • 网络
  • 支付的位置


是的. 有关入学指导的信息将由注册办公室提供.



Will I have classes in the evening or on weekends?

Students need to maintain flexibility in scheduling. Evening or weekend clinicals and labs could be scheduled.

Who teaches the courses and where?

热博体育官网的教师教授所有理论课程. 计划在卡梅尔山医疗系统的三家哥伦布医院之一或当地医疗机构进行临床体验. Clinical activities have oversight by College faculty, sometimes with involvement of nurse preceptors.

When are the breaks in the year?

学年中有几次休息和休息日. 学生们将在十月放秋假,三月放寒假,五月放暑假. Students will have time off for:

  • 劳动节
  • 感恩节
  • 马丁·路德·金. 一天
  • 耶稣受难日
  • 阵亡将士纪念日.
  • 参加暑期班的学生将在独立日放假.

What other type of equipment will I need to purchase?

Students will need to purchase a lab coat, 学生制服, College of Nursing uniform patch, 听诊器, 血压袖带, 卡尺, 笔灯和手表. 热博体育官网在哪里购买这些物品的信息将在入学后提供给学生.



How many credit hours are required to graduate?


Upon completion of the program what degree will I earn?

Upon completion of the curriculum, 热博体育官网将授予护理学学士学位(BSN).

When I graduate am I then a Registered Nurse (RN)?

No. Graduates must pass the licensing exam to become an RN. Oversight for this exam is through the Ohio Board of Nursing. 我们将向毕业生提供有关安排NCLEX-RN考试的详细信息.





of graduates employed within 12 months (2021 grads)



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